Monday, 2 September 2019

Hills & Holes, Marr

Hills & Holes, Marr near Doncaster - Saturday, 31st August 2019

A Joint meeting with Doncaster Naturalists' Society

Leader : Louise Hill

Attendees from SYBG
Louise Hill
John Scott
Peter Burton
Les Coe

Meet in Marr Lodge carr park, off the A635 at 10.00 am

In total, seven botanists turned up to this Magnesium limestone grassland site hoping to find Autumn Lady’s Tresses Spiranthes spiralis and after a short search we found eight specimens on one of the grassy mounds.

Autumn Lady’s Tresses - Spiranthes spiralis

Autumn Lady’s Tresses - Spiranthes spiralis

Amongst other species typical of magnesium limestone grassland we found Clustered Bellflower Campanula glomerata, Hoary Plantain Plantago media, the white, tiny- flowered Squinancywort Asperula cynanchica and Small scabious Scabiosa columbaria. We also found a lot of Sneezewort Achillea ptarmica , Autumn Gentian Gentianella amerella and Tor grass Brachypodium rupestre.

Autumn Gentian - Gentianella amerell

Also noted were specimens of Germander speedwell galled by the midge Jaapiella veronica.
